Friday, May 25, 2012

An Explosion of Color

                                            HAPPY PINK SATURDAY'S BIRTHDAY

OK girls it's time for us to get ready to show Miss Beverly what we did for the celebration this year.  I did an explosion of pink in the cabinet in the sun room.  Come see it, and tell me what you think.

Well what do you think Dear?  Will Miss Beverly like it?

Oh yes Mommy she will.  Can we go see everyone else's now?

I hope all of you will join the explosion of pink at Miss Beverly's

I hope you are enjoying the explosion of color that you call your life

Of course I hope you enjoy

And most important our remembrance of the ones that have given us our explosion of  colors

We call freedom

If you have the time I enjoy reading your comments

Until next time

Hope and Hugs
You and Yours