Friday, August 26, 2011

Happy Pink Saturday

Finally it is a little cooler.  I believe the swelling of my brain is actually getting better.  If you have ever had that awful feeling, you know how miserable it is!  I may actually be able to get somethings done.

I am sharing my post with Beverly at:

She brings all like minded pinkies together.  If you have not seen her site,  please stop by.  Pink Saturday is a fun way to look through rose colored glasses.  I always feel cheerier.

I hope this finds you cheery and well.
I hope you join us.

And of course I hope you enjoy My Pink Pretties

If you have the time,  I enjoy reading your comments

Until next time

Hope and hugs to you and yours

Saturday, August 13, 2011

An update on comments for Charlie

Please read the next post for information on this inspiring young man.  I did not mention that you can comment on each host's site everyday.  The sponsors will still contribute $1.00 for each comment.  I just read from Kelee that we are right on track to reach our goal of 5000 comments.  Thank you so much for giving your time.  If you are able please continue your help.

Hope & hugs to you and yours.

Friday, August 12, 2011

A special Pink Saturday for a special boy named Charlie

I find it so interesting that often times the most fragile of life, is the strongest and most special.

We don't always know why things happen the way they do.  But in it all we know we are not alone.
For hope rises within, when the Angel Kisses fall gently from the sky,  resting in the sweet soft petals of a flower, or on the wings of  a butterfly's maiden voyage.

Of course only special children like Charlie can see these kisses.  But these sweet children are always ready to share them

The next time you hold one of these special children------hold them very tightly-----close your eyes
and feel the tender fleeting blush on your cheek.

                                                       The HOPE,   from an Angel's Kiss

At the you will see a video of Charlie and his family's Miracle Makeover.  It is an uplifting view of how we all can help one another.   

I'm asking all who visit this site to visit Kelee at: ,
Beverly at:
Charlotte and; Ginger at:
Sherry at:
Susan at:

When you leave a comment on these sites between August 12th and August 18th,  there is a donation made by the sponsors.  You provide positive words and the sponsors provide the cash.  Each comment left equals $1.00 donation from sponsors.  We are going to be helping:  Kids with Cancer, and Miracle Makeovers.  You need only say a few words to let us know you were here.

 If you would like to participate in this, please send out the word through your companies, churches organizations,  friends, Face Book whatever you use.  As we have friends who have lost a child with cancer, I feel very connected to this  group.  Please do what you can do, I know your time is valuable and you  may not be able to spend as much time as you would like.  But  please rest assured as the Fly said peeing in the river during the drought, every little bit  counts.

I hope you will join us.

And I hop you enjoy My Pink Pretties
Thanks to and Charlie, I made this altered book to always remind me of this great event.

Until next time

Hope and hugs to you and yours

If you have the time please leave me a comment.  I would like to hear your thoughts on this blogger event. 

Friday, August 5, 2011

Happy Pink Cooler Saturday

Whew,  We finally have a little relief from this dreadful heat.  I'm one of those that doesn't function well when I'm hot.  I do have a little energy, so I dug out some treasures I picked up here & there.  To my surprise they were all pink and blue.  I ran around the house pulling some more pink and blue items to make a little vignette.  I had a good time.

I'm  sure it will be cool and pink at:

I hope you all stop by.  I also hope it is comfortable where you are.

And of course I hope you enjoy My Pink Pretties

If you have the time I enjoy reading your comments

Hope and hugs to you and yours